i was thinking that the concord grape sauce could be made in a season when fresh concords are not available. here is a non-seasonal way to make the concord grape sauce:
3 c. concord grape juice-- make sure it is 100% juice with no sugar added
follow instructions for the fresh sauce, but expect shorter cooking times.
harry and i had lamb again on thanksgiving. i have a new found appreciation for pomegranates lately. this sauce involves good quality jarred cranberry sauce. every year dr. onstad makes this wonderful cranberry sauce, jars it and gives it to the office. last year my mom stole mine, i barley got any. this year dr. onstad made the sauce even more remarkable, and gave us the choice of regular, rosemary, and ginger. i wanted to take home all three flavors because they smelled so good, but i went with rosemary. i knew we were having lamb and i wanted to use the pomegranate, so the rosemary cranberry sauce was a natural choice to make.
this is basically the same method as the concord grape sauce, but the preparation is a bit different.
juice 2 large deep red pomegranates:
cut them in half the way you would an orange if you were juicing it. then quarter them. they are naturally segmented, separate the segments over a med fine sieve that is perched over a deep bowl. gently sluff off the kernels from the white membrane. discard the peel and membrane, keeping only the little, red, juicy kernels in the sieve. with the handle of a fat wooden spoon, or large pestle, crush the pomegranate kernels to extract the juice. once the juice is extracted it needs to filtered a bit. rinse off sieve and place a coffee filter in it. pour juice over filtered sieve over a bowl. repeat this process over the first bowl. you should have about 4 c. pomegranate juice. you can get pomegranate juice at the store these days. it would be fine to use that, but you wold miss out on a pretty fun experience. if i get a camera for christmas, i will post pics of juicing a pomegranate on this blog.
1/2 c. good quality jarred cranberry sauce or chutney.
it should have pieces of fruit in it. a chutney would be perfect.
use the concord grape recipe. omit the grape juice, replacing it with the pomegranate juice and cranberry sauce.
yummy in the tummy and a little more holiday-ish than the beautimous concord grape juice.